Craner Christmas
My first experience with the Craner family at Christmas time. Darrin is the baby of the family and there is a big gap between him and most of his siblings- they already have kids and so Christmas is a BIG get together. Lots of wrapping, a little hectic but it was a lot of fun. The Craners are such a nice family and I'm happy to be welcomed into it.
Here is one of Penny's beautiful Christmas trees. She is amazing at decorating her trees. I need to get some pointers. I can't even count how many Christmas trees she puts up each year. ( +10) and nativities (+1200, no for real)
We are waiting to take family pictures, as you can tell Darrin was thrilled. I am holding Tammy's youngest Christopher.
Here is Christmas morning. A lot of presents!
Posted in: 2005, christmas, craners, us on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 0 comments