I am in a house filled with boys now. What a lucky girl! Colby is wearing his church outfit Grandma bought him. Who would have thought my boy would be wearing a sweater vest. He looks so handsome. He is officially in nursery now. He used to love being dropped off and could care less about his parents, not anymore. He knows it is coming and just crys and for the most part he sits on one of the leaders laps the whole time. I know it is just a stage but I hope he starts to enjoy himself more. I know it is great nursery, there is great leaders and they do lots of fun activities, sharing time, singing time, snacks and toys. I think I want to be in nursery!

Here is Colby after his nap from church. We decided to let baby Ethan in there and say good afternoon to his big brother. Colby loved it!

What studs.

Here I am, smooching my baby. I could kiss and cuddle with him all day long. I have to get my kisses in right now, to soon my time will be up when they start to say yuck.
p.s. Of course, on the weekend, which is officially Darrin Duty( Darrin is a great husband and takes the night shift on weeknights until the babe sleeps through the night, this way I can get some sleep and am a WAY happier wife!) Ethan slept through the whole night. I think it still might take a few more weeks before it is officially everynight but I hope we are close. Wish us luck!
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Sunday, February 7, 2010