The Big Day....Surgery

Darrin's surgery was scheduled for 5pm, which meant NO FOOD all day. No worries, the evening gets better. We arrive at the surgical center at 4 to begin the check in process. Assuming, in our naivety, that things are on schedule I get called back be with Darrin until his surgery begins. Darrin’s nurse comes into the room wheeling a portable television. Of course Darrin chooses Galaxy Quest to watch. BLAH! The nurse informs us the doctor is running behind. Now remember Darrin is STARVING, he can only think of what Mexican food he can have after the surgery and that Mi Ranchito better be open. To make the mood in the room even better another nurse comes wheeling in another gentleman accompanied by his wife. Normally I would not care but this guy was more than annoying. Words cannot describe how much I wanted to smack this guy. He just keep talking and talking and he never learned to use a whisper voice. We spent the next hour listening to him only to find out he goes into surgery before Darrin. Now I am almost in tears because of how hungry Darrin was and how antsy he was. Darrin soon dozes off, to stop thinking of his hunger pains, when the anesthesiologist comes in to get Darrin’s info. HELLO, couldn’t he have waited until the actually surgery, he finally fell asleep. NO, now Darrin is fully awake and we still wait another hour. Finally Darrin gets his surgery at 7:30. The surgery went well, the doc said that if Darrin had even fallen wrong before the surgery his ACL would have completely snapped. At 8:45 Penny and I are finally allowed to go back. Blankets surround him from head to toe. There is even a heating machine hooked up to an inflatable blanket to keep him warm. When he finally awakes he is extremely nauseated and in a lot of pain. The one good news- the post op nurse kept loading Darrin with drugs. So many that we did not leave until 11:45. Darrin forgot all about the Mexican food, instead he much appreciated the saltine crackers. So much the nurse gave us a bag of them for the ride home. Well, after dragging him out of the car and onto the sofa I have concluded that this will be the last time Darrin has surgery. If he ever gets wheeled in, when he is wheeled out…. Colby and I will be in Hawaii.


  1. Darrin is such a baby - - Take it liek a man. Riss, I am sorry you will have two babies to watch after soon. Make sure darrin can walk before you have teh baby, it will be his turn to pamper you. Hope graduation goes well!


  2. Thanks for the update Clarissa. Hope Darrin is doing better now and hope he is up and about when you have the baby! I agree with Catherine that you need to post a pregnant picture of yourself! I know you are a cute pregnant person.