Building bunk beds

 Over the summer we spent a lot of times looking at homes, I love looking at homes. The boys actually loved it too. Every time we would go they would always see bunk beds in one of the rooms and tell me how much they wanted a house, I don't think they realized bunk beds are not the standard and don't come with it. We started researching prices and bunk beds are sooo expensive, especially the ones that I wanted. Darrin and I priced it out and we figured we could save a lot of money by building them ourselves. I mean by Darrin building them:) (I did help a little, and painted most of it) LOVE how handy my man is! Colby and Ethan loved building forts and helping Dad out, well.... as much as they were aloud. This is the first piece of furniture that we ever built and even though I think they look amazing, we learned a lot and I think we can only go up from here. I am totally happy how they turned out and the boys love them! I already found great bedding!

The boys love their bunk bed, every other night they take turns sleeping on the top and bottom. Ethan now stays in his room and hardly comes into ours. Yeah, I love my sleep!


  1. I am so in love with your bunk beds! I would LOVE to make some too, for the Girls' Room - I dream...

  2. I can't believe he built that bunk bed! Its so pretty! I love all the pics of your cute boys...especially the funny sleeping pics of Ethan. Those are hilarious!