Clarissa's List

1. I am the most sensitive person you will ever encounter. Could be good or bad.
2. My eye color will sometimes differ. One eye is more blue and the other more green.
3. Sometimes I am excited to take a break away from Colby but the minute I leave him, I am so sad without him. I miss him instantly.
4. I have never had long hair, the minute it gets to my shoulders I get antsy and chop it all off.
5. I actually LOVE to sing but I am so scared to sing in front of others, Darrin still hasn't heard me sing. To scared to let others know what I sound like.
6. I am a terrible runner, I'm trying to get off the baby weight and I feel like I am going to die before I get to 1/2 a mile.


  1. You are the most adorable person ever!! I loved your list and I am proud to say I have heard you sing and I think you have a beautiful voice!! I'm being serious about that! Love ya tons! Juliann

  2. Spencer just told me that he remembers you singing growing up and that you actually have a beautiful voice.