Darrin and I received a fabulous Christmas gift- a Bosch! With that said we have been using it the last few days. Darrin got ingredients to make super hot salsa-there was like 15 crazy looking peppers that I have never even seen. Just to paint you a picture of the upcoming scene-our kitchen and living area are in the same vicinity, there are no walls dividing the two areas. Darrin was making his salsa and I went to the kitchen to make some dinner and about 10 seconds later I started having a horrible coughing attack (not from a sudden onslaught of the flue) the peppers from being cooked on the stove made the air super thick and made for "spicy air" I don't know how to describe it. I couldn't breathe. My shirt was up over my face to cover my nose and mouth for most of the night. Darrin even had to bring up our huge fan to start airing out our place. He was even having coughing attacks. This has never happened before, I can not believe he could even eat the salsa that we couldn't even breathe in. He is insane! The air was so thick from the peppers cooking that it hurt to breathe. I can't believe any person can eat salsa that almost kills you to make!!


  1. So funny. I know, these Craner husbands are crazy when it comes to hot/spicey things. Especially salsa.

    It reminds me of when we went out to eat at a local mexican restaurant here shortly after we moved to Texas.

    Matt ordered something really hot/spicey with alot of chiles, and when they brought it into the room and set it down on the table in front of him, everyone in the whole room started coughing!!! THey restaurant manager actually came into the room we were all seated in and opened the door and turned on the ceiling fan. So funny

  2. Sorry about the salsa. But the Shake you guys made me with your bosh was awesome. I am so grateful for your Christmas present. Thank you Miller family

  3. That is hilarious. That totally sounds like something Darrin would do.

  4. Darrin definitely needs to turn the heat down on his salsas so the rest of us can enjoy them too. His Garlic salsa over the holidays was homicidal.

  5. Haha! I remember Jon making really hot salsa in our kitchen in Orem. It was the same uncontrollable coughing reflex I had too. It was so strange that just a few peppers cooking on the stove were to blame!