The showdown............

Colby can NOT part with his binky but especially his blanket. He drags that thing everywhere! I'm always sneaking around washing his blanket, always without his knowledge.

He caught me, that sly little fella.

Colby was taking his nap, so I innocently snuck his blanket from him and threw it in the wash. My plan was working..... Colby woke up a few hours later. He came stumbling out of his bedroom saying "Blankie, Blankie." I told him to come sit on the couch and I would start a Curious George for him while I went to the garage to get his "Blankie." I went downstairs and forgot to start the dryer. Ug, I was caught. I came back up the stairs with no "Blankie". I tried explaining this to Colby, I even carried him down the stairs and showed him his wet blanket and how it was drying. He was not happy! He was crying and did not understand why he could not have his "Blankie". When I finally calmed him down this is the only look I was getting from him!


  1. I am famous again!! I was on the phone with you when this happened too!!! I feel popular.

  2. I love this face.

    Next time I see him I might take Blankie away, just so I can see it.

  3. I love his eyes in this picture. totally captures the moment. cant believe you cut his hair. i am sad but at least it will grow.

  4. I love his eyes in this picture. totally captures the moment. cant believe you cut his hair. i am sad but at least it will grow.

  5. That look is awesome!