Aunt Candice and Colby

Yeah- for Aunt Candice. She was able to spend 3 weeks here. We had a blast. It is not that often you get to hang out with your sister for that long, especially now that we are married and don't live by each other. I am sad that she has to be away from Kayle for 10+ weeks but we had a blast together. Colby is quite her little admirer.

Sometimes I wonder if he is around his mother too much. He has seen me do one too many hair cuts and colors. Here Colby is seriously combing through Aunt Candy's hair.

Here is Colby getting ready to go to the pool. What killer hair! Why couldn't I get that...

If you notice closely, he has to have his most genuine smile... he is "secretly" going through Candice's purse!


  1. That last picture of Colby could win a grand prize for the cutest picture EVER!