
 Colby and Ethan just wanted to be held a lot and they slept a ton. So sad, I hate when my kids feel miserable.

About a month ago, I found out that hand, foot and mouth disease has been going around the area and at church. ????? Yeah, I didn't know what that was. Darrin and I have been super careful, washing hands, sanatizing, not being around kids we don't know, we have been doing all of the precautions.
This last week we went to a nice splash pad and on Saturday we went to a really fun pool, the deepest part was 2 feet and we had a blast!
Saturday night I went and gassed up the car and bought groceries for Darrin, for the week, I was planning on driving up to see my brothers family in Rochester, they just moved for his residency (at the Mayo clinic, my brother is awesome!!! He doesn't brag so I will do it for him, he will be totally embarrassed if he reads this :).
Saturday night the boys were doing just fine, than it hit. Colby was awake most of the night with a super high fever. I figured it was just a little bug and it would go away, I wish!! Ethan started getting a high fever Sunday morning. Sunday was a pj, zombie day! The kids laid on sofas all day wanting to cuddle and be held. We watched A LOT of tv. By Sunday afternoon I started wondering if it was a little bug or if they contacted hand, foot and mouth diesase. I looked in Colby's mouth and didn't see anything but when we looked in Ethan's we saw the start of it. He has a ton of red dots on the roof of his mouth and the very back.
Side note: I totally understand that kids get sick. Little stuff like a runny nose, little fever; it's not the best BUT it's manageable and expected. When it comes to more serious stuff like throwing up, or H.F.M.D. or strep or things that you might need antibiotics for- why would you let your kids be around other kids!!! RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that's me trying to express that I am super frustrated about this)

I had no idea what H.F.M.D was: "Hand-foot-and-mouth disease — a mild, contagious viral infection common in young children — is characterized by sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most commonly caused by a coxsackievirus.
 -may cause some or all of the following signs and symptoms:
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Feeling of being unwell (malaise)
  • Painful, red, blister-like lesions on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks
  • A red rash, without itching but sometimes with blistering, on the palms, soles and sometimes the buttocks
  • Irritability in infants and toddlers
  • Loss of appetite
The usual period from initial infection to the onset of signs and symptoms (incubation period) is three to seven days. A fever is often the first sign of hand-foot-and-mouth disease, followed by a sore throat and sometimes a poor appetite and malaise. One or two days after the fever begins, painful sores may develop in the mouth or throat. A rash on the hands and feet and possibly on the buttocks can follow within one or two days.
 Although your child is most contagious with hand-foot-and-mouth disease during the first week of the illness, the virus can remain in his or her body for weeks after the signs and symptoms are gone. That means your child still can infect others."

Bleaching the toys and everything else in sight!
We will be home bound and in quarantine for a while. :(


  1. We took Tanner to nursery a couple weeks before he was officially 18 months and they said that was fine... then the next week nursery was canceled and the teacher was bleaching all of the toys because HMFD was going around our ward too. I was SO paranoid he would catch it just a couple weeks before baby came but we got lucky! Yuck, so sad for you and your boys. Get feeling better soon!!!

  2. PS. Check your email and change your mind about a trip. :)

    The code I had to type in to post my comment was "A Goober" lovely

  3. So SORRY Clare! The awful thing about many different viruses, including HFMD and Roseola (which Makaida just got...) is they are contagious BEFORE parents even know their kids have it. So... they are bringing their kids places and don't even know they are sick and passing on the disease to other kids. So sad.

  4. how crappy!!! I had no idea that that was still around. I hope it goes away soon!! good luck!