Colby and Caden

These 2 are best buds. Tonight Caden came over while his parents went out, we have a great time trading for date night. I was making them some Mac and Cheese and I turn around and I see this..

The first picture Colby is smiling all adorable and Caden is distracted by the tv but still a great smile.

roles reverse

Caden is now picture perfect and Colby is smiling but watching the tv and this is what I get. I LOVE IT! This picture just makes me laugh.

Ethan, hanging out below wishing he was a little older so he can play with the big boys.


  1. SOOO cute. I love the cheesy grin on Colby's face in the bottom pic.

  2. those are the most adorable pictures ever! I love Colby's smile--looks like he's found himself a good buddy. And I also LOVE the picture of Ethan in your other post. He looks so handsome.

  3. hahaha, these are SO funny. I love Colby's smile. And I love that they took their chairs up there.

  4. I just love that Colby is never wearing pants. He's so funny.