Hansome baby boy

From the rate that Colby is growing I seem to forget that he is still so young. I keep forgetting that he needs so many naps and that he sleeps so much. Babies sleep so much. I am shocked by that. I keep thinking each day he gets older he will not take one of his naps or they will go down considerably in time, like maybe only sleep 5 minutes instead of 2 or 3 hours. I am wrong.


  1. He's very cute. Dude, I don't know about you, but I hold onto those naps as long as possible. Allison is barely growing out of her naps just this year!!! (and even then, she'll take one occasionally -- she's almost 6!!)

    So, how much does Colby weigh? Kimball is gaining on 23 pounds now. He looks older than he is because he's so big.

    Can't wait to have these boy cousins play together someday.

  2. We just weighed him yesterday and he is at 19 lbs.

  3. Colby is so cute!! Be grateful for those naps. Kelsey rarely took more than one nap a day and now we have to force her to take one.

  4. Tyler is still take 2 naps a day at about 1-2 hours at a time

  5. Colby is the most handsome little buddy. I love that picture of him naked in his crib. COlby and Benson have the same eyes. I'll start taking more pictures next week when Spence starts school. We'll have to put there's pictures next to each other! I think Colby weighs more than Benson!! hahaha. Love you tons. You're a cute mama~!